ACM/IFIP Midd4DT 2024

Nowadays, the concept of Digital Twin (DT) is used in a wide variety of domains such as manufacturing, healthcare, smart cities, smart agriculture, smart grids, and mechanical engineering, to enhance the performance, enable proactive maintenance to extend the physical system's life, enhanced productivity, and faster innovation with reduced costs. Typically, the digital twin systems are generated and then synchronized using data flows in both directions between the real-world physical components and their virtual replica counterparts. Furthermore, a digital twin can enable continuous prototyping, and testing on-demand, without interruption, assuring and self-optimizing the forthcoming 5G network and beyond. It creates virtual replicas of physical systems in various application scenarios and maintains a device twin for every connected device.
Furthermore, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) middleware, service-oriented middleware, and many other middleware modernization approaches are providing a Virtual Automation Bus (VAB) to offer end-to-end connectivity between physical assets and the digital twin through many heterogeneous communication protocols, brokers, and messaging services, while ensuring interoperability among heterogeneous protocols and facilitating cross-layer interaction with the digital twin through VAB.


The main goal of ACM/IFIP Midd4DT 2024 workshop is to address these challenges and present advanced and innovative tools, techniques, models, architectures, specifications, architectures, and algorithms that bring diverse middleware technologies to DT in IoT applications and services. Contributions addressing both theoretical and practical applications, including, but not limited to, the following topics, are welcome for submission:

Important Dates:

Guidelines for Manuscripts

The Midd4DT 2024 proceeding will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research. Papers must be written in English and strictly following ACM SIGPLAN style (10pt font size) .
Papers are to be submitted through the HotCRP system

Two types of submissions are accepted:

Submitted papers will be evaluated according to their rigor, significance, originality, technical quality, and exposition, by at least three distinct members of an international program committee.

At least one author of each accepted paper must register and participate in the workshop. Registration is subject to the terms, conditions, and procedures of the main conference.

Keynote Speaker

Merouane Debbah (Tentative)

Full Professor with the University of Abu Dhabi, UAE


Technical Program Committee

© Conference Organizers